Tom Butler
“Não foram apenas as ondas que dominaram de imediato o Buttsy. O povo da Nazaré, o cenário, as vibrações da vila envolveram-no e ele apaixonou-se por esta região de Portugal. O facto de ter as maiores ondas do planeta, e tudo resto, fazem com que regresse Inverno após o Inverno.”
“Right away it wasn’t just the waves that gripped “Buttsy”. The people of Nazaré, the scenery, the vibe of the town really connected with him and he fell in love with this area of Portugal. Factor in the largest waves on the planet and all of this has made him travel back winter after winter.”
Tom Butler nasceu em 18 de abril de 1989 na Cornualha, a região mais a sudoeste da Inglaterra. Newquay, a sua cidade natal, é cercada por praias. Dos 2 aos 10 anos, Tom praticou Bodyboard e competiu no Surf Life Saving (Junior Baywatch).
Aos 11 anos, começou a sua carreira no surf e venceu o campeonato inglês na categoria Sub 12, no mesmo ano.
Com 16 e 17 anos, viajou para o Havai, onde se apaixonou pelo surf de ondas grandes. Chegou à Nazare perto do início do surf de ondas grandes na Praia do Norte, e a sua primeira temporada completa foi em 2012, com 22 anos de idade.
O surf de ondas grandes tornou-se rapidamente a sua categoria preferida de surf, prática que divide entre os seus maiores tubos em Mullaghmore, Irlanda e as ondas mais altas que apanha aqui na Nazaré.
Tom Butler was born on the 18th of April 1989 in Cornwall, England’s most South Western region. Newquay his home town is surrounded by beaches. From the ages of 2 – 10 Tom was Bodyboarding and competing in Surf Life Saving (Junior Baywatch).
At the age of 11 he started his stand up surfing career winning the English championship in the Under 12’s the same year.
Aged 16 and 17 he traveled to Hawaii, this is where his love for big wave surfing started. He arrived into Nazaré near the very start of Praia Do Norte being deemed surf-able at size, his first full season was in 2012, aged 22 very excitable and wide-eyed.
Big wave surfing soon took over as his number one love in surfing, riding his biggest barrels in Mullaghmore, Ireland and scoring his tallest waves here in Nazaré.